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Microsoft Exchange Server Hack Is Worse Than Initially Thought 

Microsoft Exchange Server Hack Is Worse Than Initially Thought 


Business IT Support
  1. What is the Microsoft Exchange Server Hack? 
  2. How do I know if I’ve been affected by the Microsoft Exchange Server Hack? 
  3. What can I do if I am affected by the Microsoft Exchange Server Hack? 

Last week Microsoft announced that a hacker group known as Hafnium had conducted a “limited and targeted” attack against on-premises Microsoft Exchange servers. To all intents and purposes Microsoft seemed to be indicating that the situation was under control, but now there are reports of thousands of servers having been compromisedSo, for many businesses still using on-premise Exchange Servers the above three questions may well be very important right now, and in particular questions 2 and 3. 

In regards to question 2, identifying if you have been affected by the Microsoft Server hack is something that an expert IT support provider needs to do, as Microsoft has published a “script”, available on GitHub that should be able to conduct a check of your Exchange server’s security status (i.e.: are there any indicators of the server having been compromised?). 

The short answer to question 3 is “get professional help”. If your business is still using an on-premise Microsoft Exchange Server your IT service provider should have ensured that it has been patched accordingly (using security updates available from Microsoft). If they haven’t you need to act now, by contacting your IT service provider, or an IT support company that you can trust to help you. 

Labyrinth Technology is available on 020 3790 7500 if you need help or advice on what you need to do, or if you are considering moving to Exchange Online, which has not been affected by the Microsoft Exchange Server Hack. 



David Henderson-Begg
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Empowering London Businesses with Efficient IT Solutions to Save Time and Stay Ahead of the Competition.

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